Archived: Lesbians United launches in the United States with a social media campaign against child transition
Lesbians United was very sad to learn that Lesbian and Gay News is no longer operating. Many lesbians depended on LGN for information and as a forum for pro-lesbian content that other news sites would not platform. Lesbians United ourselves published two articles with LGN. This month, The Lesbian Post will be reprinting those articles, in order to keep them publicly accessible.
In light of LGN’s closure, Lesbians United invites lesbian journalists to submit stories and opinions on U.S. lesbian issues to The Lesbian Post, via We can’t guarantee we’ll publish every submission, but we can at least provide one more platform for lesbian voices.
Lesbians United, a lesbian-only, all-volunteer organisation, launched today (1st February) in the United States with a public information campaign titled “Understanding Child Transition.”
The campaign, currently taking place through social media and the organization’s website, takes aim at the U.S. medical establishment, which Lesbians United says is pushing young lesbians on to a path of lifelong medicalization.
“Lesbians are being pushed to ‘transition’,” the organization’s website reads, “i.e., to undergo unnecessary medical procedures in order to look like men. These procedures are painful, irreversible, and incredibly dangerous. They can and do result in death.”
Lesbians United’s social media posts are accompanied by colorful graphics, featuring to-the-point slogans such as “Gender Dysphoria Is a Scam” and “Join the movement against medical malpractice.” Their targets include pharmaceutical companies, gender clinics, and the American Psychiatric Association.
Lesbians United is a newly-launched organization based in the U.S. Their mission, as stated on the organization’s website, is to “advocat[e] for the health and well-being of lesbians” through public information campaigns like Understanding Child Transition, and to combat “popular narratives of ‘queerness’ that keep lesbians apart.”
“The idea is to get as much information out there as we can,” said the organization’s founder and National Organizer, T., who is unable to use her full name out of fear that both she and her partner will lose their livelihoods. “In the 2020s, public opinion is molded online. We wanted to start by giving lesbians and allies something to post that looks clean and professional, and presents the facts in a way that’s easy to understand.”

The campaign’s central message is indeed easy to understand: transgenderism is an existential threat to young lesbians. As Lesbians United points out on their website, the diagnostic criteria for “gender dysphoria” specifically target young lesbians for medicalization. The DSM-V, which is used to diagnose mental illnesses, lists “resistance to the wearing of typical feminine clothing” among the symptoms of “gender dysphoria” in girls. Other supposed symptoms include “rejection of typically feminine toys” and “preference for wearing only typically masculine clothing.”
“Young lesbians are very likely to be tomboys,” C., a web developer for Lesbians United, said. “When the medical establishment targets tomboys, they’re really targeting lesbians.”

And lesbians targeted for medical experimentation are at increased risk for health conditions and premature death. According to Lesbians United’s leadership, scientific evidence shows that GnRH agonists (the class of drugs now sold as “puberty blockers”) increase girls’ risk for early osteoporosis, heart or kidney failure, chronic pain, depression, and lowered IQ. Artificial testosterone, the next step in the process of turning a healthy girl into a faux-boy, can lead to Type 2 diabetes, chronic infections, and mental health issues, and put girls and women at higher risk for heart attack. The resulting medical conditions can be both life-threatening and incredibly expensive to manage.
“Every time a therapist or doctor rebrands a young lesbian as a ‘trans boy,’” T. said, “the lesbian community gets smaller, sicker, and more economically disadvantaged.”
“Corporate greed is definitely at play here,” Lesbians United researcher P. added. “When doctors destroy a girl’s ovaries with hormone blockers or remove them surgically, that girl becomes dependent on artificial hormones for life. She’ll be paying Big Pharma forever. There’s no going back.”

The Understanding Child Transition campaign is scheduled to run throughout the month of February across all major social media platforms, and includes graphics, text threads, and a forthcoming series of YouTube videos.
“We hope it will be a conversation starter,” T. said. “Women and gay men who are critical of transgenderism are being silenced and ignored in the U.S. Lesbians United is working to turn the tide.”
Lesbians United is not currently accepting donations. But their website does feature a call to action for non-members: “The most important thing you can do is spread the word. Share our posts on social media, recommend our website, and be prepared to have difficult conversations with friends and family. Now more than ever, lesbians and our allies must stand up for the truth.”
For more information on Lesbians United visit
You can follow Lesbians United on Twitter at